How to Communicate the Benefits of a Visa Payroll Card Service to Unbanked Consumers

The benefits of using a payroll card service are numerous. For example, 86 percent of payroll card workers already have a checking or savings account. This allows employees to make more sophisticated financial decisions. However, it's important for employers to know the legal requirements and standards before offering this option. To that end, Visa is committed to helping employers take advantage of this benefit and has adopted suggestions from The Compass Guide to Payroll Cards, published by the Center for Financial Services Innovation.
For employees, a payroll card service provides convenience and savings. Workers can load their cards with their pay every payday, and access their accounts anywhere Visa is accepted. These cards are ideal for temporary and part-time employees, and even for unbanked individuals. A web-based solution makes it easy to implement and offers a secure, convenient experience. A payroll card service is also ideal for employees who are not currently banking at any bank.
The guide recommends that employers choose a company that offers a payroll card with a low monthly maintenance fee and a zero liability fee. This means that businesses with payroll cards can keep their cash flow in check without incurring any expenses. The fees and penalties associated with a payroll card are often higher than those of a traditional checking account. Before deciding to accept a payroll card, you should find out what it costs. Ensure that it is affordable for the employee and provides greater convenience. For more on prepaid cards, browse this website.
Many small and medium-sized businesses will benefit from a payroll card. A payroll card from a bank with a high interest rate may not be worth it. You can get the same benefits with a Visa payroll card from a bank with zero interest. It is also easy to use, and the benefits are many. The benefits include low monthly fees, flexible deposit options, and zero liability. The fees of a payroll card should be comparable to that of a traditional checking account.
While a traditional checking account may be convenient, a payroll card is the most convenient option for your employees. A reloadable debit card offers convenience and savings. Each pay period, you can load a reloadable debit card from your bank. Reloading a card is free and convenient and the user can use it anywhere Visa is accepted. Choosing a payroll card that matches your business and your employees' needs is a smart move for many reasons. You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: